Silverstone: The Morning After - 1.1 Previews and Development Updates

Hey everyone, Brick here!

Just thought I would give everyone some minor updates about what will be in the 1.1 update of Silverstone: The Morning After!

First off, I want to say the Extra Story will probably be longer than anticipated, but it will still be shorter than the main story. So you'll have a good chunk of stuff to read after completing the main game! I also want to clarify that the Extra Story will still have horror elements, but it's focus is way more on romance than the main story. Also...

You'll be playing as Walt in the Extra Story! See what Asher and Walt's relationship is like a bit after the Trapped in Paradise ending!

You'll also meet a couple new friends during the game! Meet Clyde the Binturong and Riley the Otter!

They'll be texting you throughout the campaign as you go on a date with Asher in Silverstone!

(Preview dialogue isn't finalized and may not be in the update)

I update more frequently on Twitter, but I'll try to post more here!

The "Silverstone: The Morning After 1.1 update" will be out in late July! See you then!


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