Silverstone: The Morning After Major Update (...Next Month)

Hello everyone, Brick here!

After some feedback from fellow devs and the crashes Itch has had, I've decided that there will be an update next month for Silverstone: TMA! This will be the only major update for the game, and it takes place before the epilogue of the game. You will have to have gotten the good ending to unlock it. It will be about half the length of the normal game and won't have any horror elements to it (just gonna be a cute little thing!).

I'll make another announcement about it a week before it comes out, but I hope you'll be ready for it!

To anyone who didn't like the endings of S:TMA 1.0, I hope this update will change your mind once it's up <3

(Reminder: Please back-up your saves when it comes out just in case there are technical issues!)


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